Play Casino Card Game Online

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How to play Cassino by SpiteNET

Cassino (Casino) is an engaging and challenging fishing style card game.

Overview - description of the game and board layout

Rules - how to play

Casino is a fun to play, exciting, quick paced fishing card game where you play against the computer to build, stack and capture mates. Capture the cards from the center by matching or building. Earn points by having the most cards, the most spades, and for every Ace, the 10 of Diamonds, and the 2 of Spades. The first hand deals 6 cards and every hand thereafter deals only 4. Instead, you can just focus on forming a great strategy. And there are many games to play! This is the category where you'll find lots of classic card games including various different styles of Solitaire along with Hearts, Blackjack, Poker (including the fantastic Governor of Poker series), and even Uno.

Playing Online - if you find playing the computer opponent is too challenging, you can play a human through an Internet or LAN connection.

Cassino Game Play Overview

Description: Play Online Casino Card Game

Cassino by SpiteNET is a 2 player software card game based on the popular card game Cassino (or Casino). It can be played against the computer opponent or online against another player.

The game is played with one standard deck of 52 cards.

The software contains a tutorial that will help you easily get started playing.

Object of the game:

To capture cards from the table and be the first player to reach 21 points. This is usually accomplished in 2 to 4 rounds.

The Deal:

The dealer deals 4 cards to each player, two at a time. After the players have been dealt, 4 cards are dealt face up to the table.
After all the players have played their 4 hand cards, the dealer deals another 4 cards to each player. (No additional cards are dealt to the table.) After each round of the game, the deal passes to the left.
There will be 6 deals before the stock is depleted.
A sound is played after the last deal so that everyone is aware that it is the last hand of the round.


Your hand cards are shown at the bottom left side of the screen and your opponent's cards are at the top.

The Table (center) is the common play area.

Your captured card pile is located just above your hand cards.

The Stock pile is to the lower right hand side of the Table.

Rules and Instructions for Game Play

Starting a game:

Casino The Card Game Online

The computer flips a coin to decide who will deal. After the cards have been dealt, the non-dealing player goes first.

The Play:

Each player must play one card from their hand to the table during their turn. The hand card that is put into play is placed slightly above the table until the End Turn button has been clicked.
You must make one of the following moves during your turn:

Capture cards
Create a Build
Add to an existing Build
Trail a card

Capture cards - The following cards can be captured during your turn:

Any table cards which match in value (rank) a card from your hand
Any sets of two or more cards on the table which equal the value of a card from your hand card
Any Build which has the same value as a card from your hand

Face cards (Jack, Queen, King) can only capture one matching rank card. Example: a Jack can only capture another Jack. Even if there are two Jacks on the Table, only one Jack can be captured.
Numerical cards (Ace, 2, …, 10) from your hand can capture other numeral cards on the table.

Create a Build - A numerical card from your hand can be combined with Table cards to form a Build. A Build is created by selecting one of your hand cards which, when combined with one or more Table cards, equals the value of another card you hold in your hand. You create a Build on one turn and then capture it on another turn.

Example: You hold an Ace (1) and an 8 in your hand. On the Table is a 7. You would create a Build with the value of 8 by combining the Ace in your hand with the 7 on the Table. On your next turn, you would capture the Build with the 8 in from your hand.

View a screen shot of creating a 9 Build by combining a 2 hand card with a 7 table card.

There are two types of Builds: Single and Multiple.

A Single Build is made up of one of your hand cards and one or more Table cards, whose combined value equals another card in your hand.
A Multiple Build is made up of two or more cards or sets of cards, each of which equals the capture value of another card in your hand.
Capturing Builds
Any player who holds a card that matches the value of a Build can capture it. When you capture a Build, you can also capture any other Table cards which add up to the Build value. (Basically when you create a build, you are hoping that your opponent does not hold a card of the build value.)

Add to an existing Build -

Adding to Single Builds
You can change the capturing value of a Single Build on the Table by declaring a new Build and combining one of your hand cards with it (and another Table card if needed), equaling another card you hold. (This is how you could change a build that your opponent created and use it for yourself.)
Adding to Multiple Builds
You cannot change the capture value of a Multiple Build on the Table but you can build upon it by adding the same value to it. (This is useful if you created a build that your opponent doesn't have the hand card to capture, so you can add to it on your next turn.)

Build Summary
In order to create a Build or add to a Build, you must hold a hand card that has the Build value. In other words, you must have a hand card that can eventually capture that Build.
A Single Build is made up of cards whose combined value exactly equals the Build value.
A Multiple Build is made up of sets of cards, each of which equals the Build value.
A Single Build's value can be increased.
A Multiple Build's value cannot be changed but other sets of cards which equal the Build value can be added to it.

Trail a card - No cards are captured if you trail a card. Your hand card in play is simply moved to the Table when you click the End Turn button.

Since you must play one card (and only one card) from your hand during each turn, if you can't or don't want to capture cards or build, you must trail a card.
You can Trail a card even if you could have made a capture.
You cannot Trail a card if you have created a Build which is still on the Table.

If during your turn you capture all the cards on the Table, it is called a Sweep. Each Sweep is worth one point. The Sweeps accumulated during that round are shown in the status bar at the bottom of the game window.
Required Moves:
You must play one hand card each time it is your turn.
If you created a Build, you must either capture cards, add to Build, or create a new build on your next turn. You cannot simply Trail a card if there is a Build you created on the Table.


Ending your turn:

The End Turn button appears next to your hand cards after you have clicked a card into play. If you have not selected cards from the table for capture or building, then the card you played is “trailing” and is added to the table.
Round End:
When the stock is depleted and all players have played all their hand cards, the round has ended.
The player who last captured cards from the Table, receives all the cards remaining on the Table.
The cards in each player's Captured cards pile are scored for points and any Sweeps they made during the round are added to the card points. A window will open which displays the scoring breakdown.

Game End:

Play Casino Card Game Online

When a player's score reaches 21 points, that player is the winner. In the case of a tie, another round is played.

Play Casino Card Game Online


Play Casino Card Game online, free

At the end of each round, the players' captured cards are tallied for points.

Most cards captured: 3 points
Most SPADES captured: 1 point
Big Cassino - 10 of Diamonds: 2 points
Little Cassino - 2 of Spades: 1 point
Each ACE captured: 1 point
Each Sweep: 1 point


At the end of the round, the player with the most cards gets 3 points, most spades gets 1 extra point. In the case of a tie, no points are added for most cards or most spades.
The cumulative Round scores are shown in the status bar at the bottom of the game window.
Rule Enforcement:
The game will stop you from making any illegal moves and display an appropriate message explaining why you cannot make the move you are trying to make. Play Casino Online Card Game


Cassino by SpiteNET contains a Tutorial that will show you how to easily get started playing.

Cassino by SpiteNET User's Manual©

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